Is Your Team Ready?

Tortuga Games

Our Goal

Tortuga Games was born in the summer of 2017 with the idea to turn the unofficial college weekend beer Olympics into something greater. With much of its inspiration taken from the movie Beerfest, Tortuga Games set out to make its self as legitimate as possible. With referrers watching each team, ID’s being checked, waivers being signed, sponsorships and other entertainment. It has already taken its first step in being more than just a couple of friends hanging out. With over 150 attendees in only two years and growing. Tortuga Games is on the fast track to becoming the summer event that everyone looks forward to. With great people and a competitive astrosphere, Tortuga Games will continue to grow and eventually hit its goal of becoming a Maryland wide summer event.

steps to follow

  1. Determine if you are going to be apart of a team, refereeing or just watching.

  2. If you are making a team or refereeing then go to the registration section, fill out the forms & make sure to print the waiver out & bring it with you signed on July 20th along with your entry fee of $25 per person or $150 per team!

  3. If you a refereeing the waiver you are signing is the same as the ones participating in the games. If you are refereeing & are under 21 but are at least 18, there will be a separate waiver for you to sign the morning of July 20th.

  4. After completing the above steps please read through all of the rules.

  5. Next look through the events & read the event descriptions so you are familiar with how each one will be played. (Note that each referee calls certain infractions differently. What the referee or Head referee says is final!).

  6. Last but not least, once you have looked through everything & made sure all paperwork has been filled out & you are familiar with the rules, events & how the day will go. Do your best to car pool because parking is limited. Please remember to show up the morning of at 11:30 AM so registration can be completed quickly. You will need your signed waiver, ID & entry fee.