
All events will be played in the order that it is shown below. Please read all rules pertaining to each game and how they will be played. If you have any questions about the games or their rules/how they will be played please feel free to reach out to Michael. Each game will be gone over before they are played on the day of the event as well as its rules. If anyone is still confused an example game will be played. All referee calls are final! Each referee will end up calling certain infractions slightly different. So please keep that in mind when playing. For any major question during a game or major rules will go through Michael Dunn or the Head Referee. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and look forward to the competitiveness that will ensue. 


1 Brain Freeze:

This event will be played in heats. Five teams will play head to head with the top 2 winners moving on to the next round. Then the next round will consist of another five teams that won. The top 2 winners from that heat will move onto the finals where the top 4 winners will be chosen from. 

This a 4 member event. Each team will pick 4 players. Each player will get an ice tray and a straw. You will then fill your ice tray with beer. Once all teams in your heat are set the referee will give a count down. Once he yells start you will drink all of the beer out of your ice tray through your straw as fast as you can. When you are done your tray then the next team member can start. This will be repeated until all 4 members have finished their trays. Your team will have a referee with a stopwatch recording your teams time. The top 2 teams from your heat will move onto the semi-finals and then the top 2 winners from that will move onto the finals heat! Click HERE for an example of how this event is played.

2 Beer Hunt: 

Four members from each team will participate in this relay. This will be played in Heats of 5 teams with the top 2 teams moving onto the semi-final heats and lastly the final heat where the top 4 teams will be chosen. Each team will give the Head Referee (Charles Dunn) 4 beers at the start of the day in a bag with your country’s name on it. The head referee will then take all of the beers and store them in a cooler until the time of the event.  

Next, he will take all of the beers and hide them in four different locations in the front yard of the house. The first member participating from each team will run to the front yard after the start to find one of their team’s beers. Once found, they will take the found beer, slide down the slip & slide to the mid-way point that will be marked off. You will then open your beer and pour it into a large clear cup. You will then chug your team's beer that you found. If you spill your beer while chugging, depending on how much is being spilled, your team will be penalized with a 5 Mississippi count before being allowed to continue. Once the cup is empty and has not been spilled that member will run through the finish line and tag the next participating team member who will go. This will continue until each member has finished. Each team will have a referee with a stopwatch who is keeping your teams time to ensure that the proper winners have been picked. Click HERE for an example of how this event is played.

3 Flip Cup:

This is a Team event. All 6 members will play in a team against team flip cup game. Best 2 out of 3, with the winner moving onto the next round. This will be played in Tournament-Style. 

Half Time:

After the Flip Cup has finished there will be a 30-minute halftime break. At this point, all teams can rest, drink water, eat, use the restroom, play yard games, etc. A 5-minute warning will be given out for all of the teams to come back together for the second half of the events.  

4 Beer Ball:

 Four members from each team will participate. This event will follow the tournament-style. It will be played like a normal beer ball, but with 4 players per team, instead of the traditional 2 players per team. That means each side has 1 beer per person for a total of 4 beers per team, but each beer must be finish before that side can win. Participating members of each team can be substituted in-and-out during the game but no outside help is allowed. 

If you are one of your team’s members that have been picked to play but does not have their cup on the table/is not in play, then you may not drink from your beer. You can only drink when you are in play. If you break this rule your team will lose automatically. You may not crush your beer at any point will you are playing. You may open up the top of your can a little bit. The referee must check your can to make sure it is empty before you can be considered finished. That means no liquid is coming out when the can is flipped upside down. For the basic understanding of the game check out this link by Clicking HERE

5 Slap Cup:

This will be played by all 6 members of your team. You will go head to head with another team in a Tournament-Style bracket. Single elimination with the winning team moving on. The winning team is the one who does not drink the "death cup" at the end. 

You will start with 16 solo cups filled with beer to the shot line pushed together in the middle of the table. One solo cup will be filled to the top with beer and placed in the center of the other 16 cups. This will be considered the "Death Cup" and will be drunk by one of the losing team's members. You will stager your team members so that you are not standing directly next to one of your own team members. Two empty solo cups along with two pong balls will be given to one person on each team on either side of the table.

The rules are straight forward: the two solo cup & pong ball combinations are passed after the ball is bounced into the cup. If the ball was bounced in on the first try, that player can pass the ball & cup to a player of their choosing as long as they don't have the other one. Otherwise, if you miss the first bounce, you keep bouncing until you make it then you pass the ball & cup to the player on your right.

If you and the player to your left are shooting and the player to your left bounces his ball into his cup first, they slap your cup (before you make the ball into it), forcing you to drink (take a drink from the group in the middle of the table). You then try to bounce your ball into the cup that you just drank from, and the player to your left that slapped your cup passes their ball & cup to the player on your right - they don't have to wait for you to drink - so drink quickly!

Eventually, the cups in the middle of the table run down to the "Death Cup" that has a full beer in it - the last player to have their cup slapped has to drink this, and whatever team that person is a part of will be the losing team and be eliminated! Click HERE for an example of how this event is played.

6 Dizzy Bat

3 members from each team can participate but you may choose to only have one person do all of the heats. You will compete in heats of 5 teams. Best 2 teams move onto the next heat. Referees will have timers to make sure seconds of drinking are being upheld. 

The first member pours a full beer into the bat. When the referee says “start” that member will chug their beer from the bat. The referee will count how long it takes for you to finish drinking. As soon as you are finished, the referee will tell you how many seconds it took you to finish. Then, you will put the bat to your forehead and the other end of the bat on the ground and proceed to spin in a circle for as many times as it took you to drink the beer. For example, if it takes you 5 seconds to finish chugging then you must spin 5 times. Once you finish spinning, you will pick up the empty beer can, tose it in the air & try to hit. You must hit the can forward. If you miss, you must continue trying to hit the can until you hit the can forward or the other team hits it first. Click HERE for an example of how this event is played.